đź‘ŁFinding Your Purpose in the Midst of Pain

find your purpose Oct 12, 2022

I once was a person that struggled to get out of bed each morning; not because there was something physically wrong with me to make the task difficult. I’ve always been pretty healthy so there wasn’t anything wrong with me by outward appearances. The ‘ailment’ I suffered from not only caused difficulty to rise in the morning, but it also engulfed me with a strong sense of dread for the entire day to come.

When I did finally haul myself up from the bed, I would stubble off to the shower. That first look at my face in the mirror in the morning was so hard. I hated her. She was a failure. She was looking haggard and worn out. She was broke and struggling. Her kids were doing without things they needed, and it was all her fault, the lousy bitch that stared back at me in the mirror.


She had no idea why she’s even here; why she existed.

Wow! It’s hard to believe now that I felt that way about myself, but I did. I was mad at me. I was mad at God because He left me out when he was passing out good fortune, happy lives, and…ugghhhh, I wasn’t sure but whatever it was, He left me out!

I laugh now. I imagine in those days, God would shake his head and think, “Camille, seriously? Wake up, child. You are mine so start acting like it.”

In 2006, my mom gifted me a book called, “The Secret” by Rhonda Byrne. That was a long time ago, but it seems like a short time in my mind. I started reading the book and it seemed so far-fetched but I’m like, I wonder if there is something out there for me. I wonder if I tried believing differently and thinking about what I do want instead of what I don’t want, I just wonder if my life could be different.

Slowly, I started to dream of a better life; a life above poverty level, a life of joy, a life of significance. But how? What was I going to do with that kind of life and what was required of me to have it?

It wasn’t until 8 years later, pregnant with my third son, going through a divorce and on the fast track to homelessness that I had an epiphany setting the wheels in motion to FINDING MY PURPOSE – the REASON God put me here!

The day it happened…

I’m standing in front of a full length mirror. I’m wearing these old sweatpants, a big ‘ol raggly t-shirt, hair piled on top of my head; I’m standing there, tears streaming down my face, looking at my swollen, pregnant belly in the mirror. I’m feeling shame, guilt, sadness, loneliness…all that same stuff that has plagued me my entire life. And I’m saying, “God, if I could just use my story to help other women to not make the same mistakes, help them to overcome their challenges; I could spend the rest of my life doing it.” And it was as if God said, “Finally, you got it.”

My Purpose Journey started that day! I didn’t start out with all the answers, but it was a step.

I was still in a very unhealthy relationship with my son’s father as I was navigating the Purpose Journey. I look back now and it’s amazing that I published a book {This Woman’s Worth} and earned my Life Transformation Coaching Certification while I was verbally beaten up almost every day.

But Sis, here’s the deal…when you know your purpose, YOU CAN AND WILL THRIVE THROUGH YOUR CIRCUMSTANCES AND YOUR PAIN! You can begin right now, right where you are discovering why you are here.

When you have that answer, you give birth to determination, ideas, and dreams.

Yes, you’ll give yourself permission to dream big dreams. You’ll begin to see opportunities where you only saw closed doors before.

Hey, you may not be in a bad place in life. Maybe you aren’t living with the emotional pain of abuse but Sis, I know if you don’t know why you are here, YOUR PURPOSE, you are hurting. You feel left out. You feel like whatever the good stuff that was ‘handed’ to others wasn’t given to you.

And…it’s simply not true.

My mission is for you to know that you are special, amazing, and, yep, you have a PURPOSE. God did not forget you, nor leave you out when he was handing out the ‘good stuff’. It’s in YOU! We just need to reveal it!

So, I added the EMPOWERED WOMAN UNLEASHED COURSE to this POWER News Story. Start today for as little as $66! I guarantee you’ll love this course as it reveals The Real You...THE BEST VERSION OF YOU, or get a full refund! Simple!


Love you, Sis! Go be great!❤️


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