🍀The Grass IS Greener on the Other Side

change of perspective Jan 26, 2023

I never really agreed with the idea of ‘Don’t make major changes because the grass isn’t greener on the other side’.

That’s the idea behind that metaphor, right?

Seeing the greener grass and having a desire for it is incredibly important if you are ever going to create the life you desire and deserve.

The reality is, most times that metaphor is used to keep us where others are most comfortable with us being.

Even our brains use that phrase to keep us where we are ‘comfortable’ because the brain’s number one job is to protect us!

When I set out to be Life Coach, I can remember very well one of the investors I was working for wanting me to commit to another business endeavor with him. I knew if I made that commitment, my Life Coaching dream would set sail without me. Mr. Investor said, “A Life Coaching business is going to take a long time to build. You need to play it safe and stay busy ‘making money’.”

Actually, what he said was true…it took time, tenacity, sleepless nights, tears, small wins, big losses, bigger wins, smaller losses, fear, doubt, and so much more!

But the rewards of Life Coaching are difficult to express with words. The feeling of watching a client’s ah-ha moment, a client’s excitement as we begin a revitalization plan for his company, the tears of joy and release of years of torment with another client, the laughter over each clients’ wins…

Yea, it’s difficult to express the emotions that wash over me with the success, big or small, of each client.

My clients ultimately become friends and, in some cases, they become family!

(dab, dab)…yes my eyeballs are ‘sweating’ as I think of those beautiful, amazing individuals.

Recalling that warning from Mr. Investor, I am so unspeakably grateful I decided to take a chance on a greener tomorrow. I simply cannot imagine missing out on all the experiences with my clients, all the lessons learned, the journey that has blessed me way more than them. I just can’t do it.

What I’m really talking about here is a change of perspective concerning your life, your challenges, and your dreams. There’s always more than one way of looking at things, so today, I encourage to take a shot at entertaining a different outlook on what’s possible for you AND what you’ve learned along the way that WILL, beyond a shadow of doubt, assist you in whatever path you choose.

I can assure you that no one is born with all the courage needed to conquer the world. We invest literal blood, sweat, and tears in our quest to find the bold required to take the Leap of Faith that will land us on our mount of greatness that was always ours in the first place.

I’m cheering for you! Take a chance because the Grass may actually be Greener on the other side.

One more thing, I created an eBook for those of you with that entrepreneurial spirit and just need some help. When I wrote it, I was thinking, "I wish I had a guide when I was building my businesses...a 'how to', some resource that answered some of the scariest questions business owners face". 

So, here you go! And...yes, it's free! Click below. 

Mind Your Own Business: 6 Steps for Building Your Dream Business From Scratch!

With my eBook you will learn:

Step 1: Empowered Business Success Mindset

Step 2: Idea/Business Concept

Step 3: Pre-Opening

Step 4: Launch & Marketing

Step 5: Open | Up & Running

Step 6: Maintain & Sustain



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