🔮Let’s Get Crystal CLEAR - How to Create Your Best Year Ever!

best year ever free power planner life coaching women's empowerment your why Nov 10, 2022
Let’s Get Crystal Clear - How to Create Your Best Year Ever

Getting clear…or having clarity about your life, your goals, your health, your relationships…simple right?


Not always but most of the time, if I’m a pretty good guesser (not really, I just understand how our minds work on the subject of clarity), I’d say you are swimming around in muddy waters (ewww!) instead of the clear, sun sparkling, clean, beautiful waters of a fresh spring.

Let me be perfectly clear here (no pun intended…well sort of),


Relationships? YEP!  👍🏼

Career? YEP! 👍🏼

Parenting? YEP! 👍🏼

Money? YEP! 👍🏼

Here’s how my wild, crazy mind works much of the time. My thoughts are jumbled and running from place to place like a puppy dog that lapped up a great, big puddle of espresso that was accidently spilled all over the ground. The little puppy dog is hopping, running, jumping, barking, vigorously wagging her tail. I’m talking super amped up! This can be ‘blamed’ on my Type A personality.

Meditation is my relief from the energetic ‘thinking’ ride I often experience but I can’t hang out in meditation all day long. So, I have to work at slowing things down and calming my brain to where my actions throughout the day are effective for accomplishing ‘the list’ (all the things that need to happen daily to get me closer to my goals).

Goals? Yea, I’ve already figured out where I want to be a year from now (and even 2 years from now), so it’s a little easier to know what I must be doing day by day to make it happen. 

In my course – Empowered Woman Unleashed – I have included the POWER Clear Tool. I teach you how to go from here to there or today to a year from now. Then we discover what it’ll actually take to get there.

If you’ve read the POWER News Story ‘Finding Purpose in the Midst of Pain’, you know what your Purpose is. GREAT NEWS…POWER Clear teaches you what to do with that Purpose now that you’ve discovered it!

If you haven’t read it yet…go here and read it right now!! It’s a game changer! Come on back to this POWER News Story after you’ve read it.

When I stood in front of the mirror that day, pregnant, looking a hot mess and crying my eyes out, I discovered my Purpose, quite by accident it seems, but unfortunately, that discovery did not come with instructions for what to do next or even any kind of clarity about what I was actually supposed to do with my Purpose.

I’m a list person. Lists help me to stay focused but at the time of my Purpose Discovery, a simple list wasn’t going to be enough because I wasn’t confident enough to see a future that I wanted. I still saw one I felt I deserved…which was small and not very grand at all.

Then I learned a technique that made it all make sense to me. And we are going to do it together right now!

MMM-ummm…(me clearing my throat…because this is going to be good).

Take out a sheet of paper…yea, right now. Or note pad on your phone.

Write the word NOW and beside that word, be honest about your current Life Situation. Write it all out.

Next, close your eyes and imagine it’s a year from now (12 months to be exact, LOL.) Imagine what you would like your life to be like. Remove the obstacles! Lack of money, a stuck partner, a troublesome child, area of town you reside, current health issues…none of that matters in this imagined YOU that you want to be 12 months from now.

Now, write it all out. I know it’s difficult because your brain is arguing with you that “YOU CAN’T HAVE THAT!” Tell it to “Shut UP!” Write it all out as instructed!

Step three, ask yourself, “Why is this so important to me?” You might think it’s to PROVE EM WRONG or to be RICH. If you think that’s it…dig deeper!

I always thought my ‘WHY’ was something like the above. I wanted to prove everybody wrong; all those that thought I couldn’t write AND publish a book, or speak publicly and a bunch of other things that my naysayers thought I wasn’t capable of. But if I wanted nothing more than to prove them wrong, what happens when I do? What will sustain me to keep growing, grinding, and accomplishing my dreams?

I did dig much deeper and realized what I really wanted for me and my family is FREEDOM. I want the FREEDOM to choose what school the boys attend, the FREEDOM to travel where and when we want, the FREEDOM to serve others the way I dream of, the FREEDOM to live where we want…YES, FREEDOM is my ‘WHY’.

So, dig deep…what is your ‘WHY’. By the way, if you are struggling with this, I teach a technique called POWER 7 WHY in my course Empowered Woman Unleashed…just sayin’.

Write out your WHY!

Lastly, look at where you will be 12 months from now (and you will be if you stick with me), all that you wrote out. Are you excited? YOU SHOULD BE!

Now, write out the new skills you need to acquire to have the BEST YEAR EVER you have described. Don’t let this list scare you! You can do it! I know because I did it!

Now you have a CLEAR picture of where you are headed! Keep your BEST YEAR EVER where you will see it often. Something POWERful happens when you write it all out and get Clarity.

The next amazing tool you need is my POWER PLANNER...ONLY $10! Yes dear…$10 and…and…and…it comes with Instructional Coaching for how to use the POWER PLANNER and the STEP BY STEP Guide for … 

  • Homing in on your Major Life Goal
  • Devising a plan to gain the New Skills needed to Achieve that Goal
  • Guidance for the supporting Goals you WILL Achieve
  • Tailored Affirmations to keep you motivated and inspired every day
  • Constant applications of your WHY to insure your Commitment to the PLAN
  • Creation of Vision Pages to illustrate that Amazing Life you WILL Own in 12 months!

Yep, I did that…for YOU…all FREE!

POWER Planner Here…

I am cheering for you! A New Year is approaching! No resolutions on the Eve…

POWER Plan AND Have What you Want…


Do the Exercise Above and Click the Link Below to get Your POWER PLANNER – it’s time…Create your Best Year Ever!

Email me your WINS! I love hearing about all your successes!! [email protected]

Peace ☮️ – Love ❤️ – Joy🤩!

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